
Showing posts from April, 2017
Windows XP Vista Win7 Win8 Haler PC suite Download Haier Voyage G30   PC Suite  including  USB Driver ,  ADB Driver , and  Firmware  for  Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.  By downloading this driver, you will be able to connect your Haier Voyage G30 to any computer or laptop. This software allows you to share data, modify files, and backup your phone's data, contacts, calendar and more. This PC Suite is easy to use and free. Note that this PC Suite is for Windows only. It is not compatible with Linux OS or Macintosh OSX. What can this PC Suite do with Haier Voyage G30? The PC Suite allows you to backup and restore contacts, messages, and calendar. It also enables copying/tranfering files, music, pictures, and video from your phone to your computer. How to install this software: 1. Download the setup files and simply run them. Windows Vista and Windows 7 users need to run the setup f...

Haier Mobile phones PC Suite

Haier Mobile Phones Free PC Suite Software Download       Haier Mobile Phones PC Suite;                                                    The Haier Mobile Phones PC Suite here, Download Link ,Haier Mobile Phones PC Suite  connects your phone to your computer and expands the capabilities of your phone. The Haier Mobile Phones PC Suite provide calendar and contact information on your phone and computer, Transfer data between devices, including music, images and videos, Set up the software of Haier Mobile Phones PC Suite  to connect your computer to the Internet using your phone as a modem, Create and send text and picture messages.So get the software click the following link here,   ...

Android PC Suits download

Android PC Home   /   Communications   /   Telephony   /   Android PC Suite Android PC Suite Free 23.00 MB   Download    A D V E R T I S E M E N T Inner space So your SIM card is older than mother Earth itself and your SD memory card has seen more phone entrails than it would be happy to admit. Usually at those flash memory dinner parties that it goes off to while you're sleeping. Imagine the thick data jungle that your phone must be holding. Hundreds of contacts, dozens of message conversations, a thousand pictures (vaguely equivalent of one million words) and a collection of apps which if they were to be random objects, you would most definitely be called a hoarder. Have you ever considered sorting out that mess? I bet you have, but you really need a PC to do it. Because we always turn to PC's when we figure out that our shiny gadgets can't handle everything. Let me show you the rooms Moborob...